A meat ship made out of 20 sausages, 48 rashers of bacon and 1kg of pork

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Thar be a meatship ahead in the oven.... Floating high on the 17,000 calorie seas, made with Bacon, sausages, pastry, mince, it's all meat, and it's coming to rape and pillage your arteries! Har har!

From: somethingawful

After making the Meat House we decided it was time to create something else, out of meat.
Welcome to the Meat Ship:


Preliminary Sketch:

(not to scale)

~20 sausages
~48 rashers of bacon
1.2kg of sausage meat
1kg of pork mince
10 franks
1kg of pastry (not 100% meat this time)
1 onion
1 mushroom
2 packets of chipolata sausages
various food colourings

Creation of the sea:

Creating the hull out of pastry

Filling the hull with part cooked pork mince with onion

Surrounded the pastry hull with bacon, for the wood effect

Sausage planking

Creating the masts

some form of octopus attacking the ship (mushroom for the head, and sausages)

Pirate and canon

A dedicated sailor
ooops, just noticed we made the flag wrong :/

going in the oven ~ 2hours

coming out, the sails have shrunken somewhat

Total removal of support struts


Anonymous | 9:16 AM said...

fantastic, truly want to make one


Anonymous | 12:00 PM said...

don't you brits have anything better to do other than play with meat?

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