Tara Reid Still Alive/Drunk/Cleavagey

Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Tara Reid hasn´t made an appearance here for a while, but in case you guys were starting to worry about her, the good news is that she is still alive and drinking.

Tara Reid Still Alive/Drunk/Cleavagey

Because Tara Reid´s biochemistry is different from that of ordinary humans, she requires several pints of alcohol per day just to keep breathing, and some scientists contend that unlike other women´s breasts, which are comprised of fatty tissues, Tara Reid´s tits actually function more like a camel´s hump, storing alcohol, and releasing it as she starts to sober up.

Sure, its sad to see a pretty girl become a raving alcoholic and destroy her life with endless partying and budget plastic surgeries, but she looks almost human in these pictures, so I guess that´s good enough for the likes of us.


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