A quick update on Mariah Carey now, we´ve checked in on her in her latest pictures, and can confirm that her breasts are still large enough to cause a small eclipse once a day if you happened to be laying under them, which coincidentally would make you one of the luckiest and happiest men in the world.
This is how Mariah Carey buys jewelry you see, most people like to see how a new purchase would look on their bodies, but Mariah has to be very careful that all new items go well with her breasts. That´s probably why she´s exposing them that way, almost letting them come flooding out of her top.
I don´t know why more women don´t shop this way, and not just for jewelry. Looking to buy a new car? Rub your boobies up against the window. In the market for some frozen peas? See how they feel being stuffed into your cleavage. See? It totally works for every situation.

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