Britney Spears Bra, Tragic Britney Tapes Coming Soon

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Britney Spears Bra, Tragic Britney Tapes Coming Soon

Surprise, Surprise, Adnan has sold Britney out yet again and put 6 tapes of her on the market. News Of The World has the story, and source which reveals: "It´s like something out of a horror movie. Britney spends the whole time ranting, raving and weeping. It´s not entertainment."

Here´s a break down of just a couple of the clips from News Of The World:

CLIP No1 shows Britney sitting on her bed wearing a nightie. She talks about herself in the third person and rambles about her childhood. She´s heard saying: "When Britney was a child, she had to work really hard. When she was 13 years old, she won all the beauty pageants."

CLIP No2 shows Brit wrapped in a white bath towel, again perched on the edge of the bed. Talking to thin air, she mumbles: "Britney has an angel looking out for her, don´t you, angel?"

Britney Spears Bra, Tragic Britney Tapes Coming Soon

Other clips apaprently have Britney confessing that she does love Kevin, and her children. I´m not sure when we crossed the line from playful observation of a wild child to profiting from the mental breakdown of an afflictede human being, but it´s pretty obvious that these latest tapes go way over that line.

If Britney still has any lawyers left, and this is in fact a true story, then she needs to sue the ass off this Adnan guy, and hopefully have him kicked out of the country. What scum.


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